沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP


The world of the source way fishing
Welcome to the world of mountain fishing. It goes through the sacred precincts of IWANA.
The greed of fishing is thrown away, and it is limited to the eccentric eccentric person who aims at the primitive world earnestly like human being that person comes to reach the rare source way at last.Even if it is poor at example fishing, the deep emotion of big Iwana is sometimes given to me there in the time. It may be the present of God of the mountain given only to the person who had difficulty.
大イワナ/big Iwana・・・大イワナと呼べるのは、一般的に40cm以上を言う。こんな大イワナを深山幽谷で釣り上げることができたならば、心も体もガクガク震える感激を味わうことができるだろう。
Generally it says more than 40cm that it can be called big Iwana. Both heart and body will be able to taste deep emotion to tremble if such a big Iwana was raised in the deep mountains and valleys.
Climbing rope may be needed in the big river to cross swamp after the rise. It is idle, and don't provide habit, and try it daringly. Big Iwana may wait for your visit. Trouble is lost, and there is no deep emotion, either.
It is not the rugged valley which becomes a picture, but the gentle flow which got it over is river insect and Iwanas' paradise.The volume of water is stable, and feed in such cases as river insect and beech insect, Sansyouo, cicada, dragonfly is abundant as for the valley covered with beech specially, and it is the best dwelling for Iwana.
魚止めの主/The master of the fish stop・・・魚止めの滝壷に潜む最も大きい魚を魚止め主と呼ぶ。山釣りのパイオニアたちは、ひたすら魚止めの主を追っていた時代もあったが、今では過去の話。現在は、滝壷で釣ったイワナを滝上に放流する滝上放流や主はリリースというのが一般的である。これからは、在来イワナを守り育てる時代だ。
Fish stops the biggest fish to lurk in the waterfall jar of the fish stop, and it is called master. The pioneers of mountain fishing are past stories nowadays though there was an age running after the master of the fish stop earnestly, too.At present, as for the discharge and the master, it is general to say a release on the waterfall which Iwana that it was tempted with the waterfall jar is discharged on the waterfall to. From now, it is the age when existing Iwana is protected and raised.
大淵/The big depths・・・スケールのデカイ沢は、こうした大淵に大イワナが潜んでいる。淵が大きいだけに、アプローチや振込み、重りの選定など、じっくり考えて攻めることが必要だ。
Big Iwana lurks in the big swamp of the scale to Oobuchi who did like this. Because the depths are big, it is necessary to think about approach and payment, the selection of the weight closely and to attack it.
Large Iwana and rainbow trout flock together with the source way of Hokkaido ・ Hidaka in the deep depths which have it like this. It can't stay long because there are many traces of the bear indiscriminately though it wants to attack it closely.
Iwana flocks together, and the waterfall jar which is an entirely huge pool can see a figure to play. If it is virgin Iwana, it can be tempted as natural Fishing moat. Unnecessary fishing wants to try not to do if Iwana is loved.
源流のザラ瀬/The shoal of the source way・・・源流部に行くと、水量が少なくザラ瀬となるが、こうした場所では瀬釣りが基本だ。
When it goes to the source way part, rapids fishing is basis in the place where it did like this though the volume of water was small and became a shoal.
流木橋/Driftwood bridge・・・まるで橋を架けたように倒れている流木。誰しも、流木橋に出会えば渡りたくなる。
Driftwood which builds bridge entirely and to fall. If it meets driftwood bridge, I want to cross whom し, too.
清冽な流れ/The flow which became clear purely・・・身を切るように冷たく、澄んだ流れを言う。イワナと同様、渓師たちもこうした清冽な流れの魅力に吸い込まれていくのだ。
It is said that body is cut the cold flow which became clear.Fishing people are inhaled in the same way as Iwana by the charm of the flow which was done like this and which became clear purely, too.
コーヒールンバ/Coffee rumba・・・大雨で増水すると清澄な流れは、コーヒー色に濁り、点在する底石にまるで踊っているかのように波立つことから名付けられた。こうなれば、ビバーグするより選択の余地はない。
It was entirely dancing in the bottom stone which became muddy in the coffee color and which it dotted it with, or the flow which became clear purely when it rose by a heavy rain was named from being choppy. There is no room of the choice rather than emergency evacuation is done if it is like this.
The hut which Matagis who ran after bear built in the depths of a mountain. When bear hunting, rice planting end in bases in early spring, mushroom, bear hunting before the hibernation and winter are rabbit hunting ・・・ in the wild plants, summer in Iwana fishing, autumn .It is the world like the hunting collection age which the blessing of the mountain is taken as in every season. All those blessings are the presents of God of the mountain, and it has reverence and a sense of gratitude.
The inside of the hut put in order properly. Recently, you must never use it for the one without permission though the silly fishing mentor who uses hut freely seems that there is it, too.It is ・・・ though such things are minimum manners. It is inevitable that it seems that such a thing can't be protected even if it has outsider excluded.
源流の宝石/The jewel of the source way・・・様々な色に染まった斑点は、神秘的な美しさを放つことから「源流の宝石」と呼んでいる。それだけに大切にしたい。
The spot infected with the various colors is being called the "jewel of the source way" from giving off mysterious beauty. It wants to treasure it only in it.
神田・湿原/God's rice field・・・沢を登って、頂上へたどり着くと、まるで山の神の田んぼのような沼に出くわすことがある。秋田では、こうした湿原を「神の田」と呼んでいる。藤里町の「田苗代湿原」もまた、神の作った田の意味である。
When it climbs swamp and reaches the top at last, it sometimes comes across it in the swamp just like a rice field of God of the mountain. The swamp of the Heaven done like this is being called with "God's rice field" in Akita.
自然画廊・造形美/Natural art gallery. molding beauty・・・悠久の時を越えて刻まれた水と岩の芸術を自然画廊、あるいは水と岩の造形美という。こうした千変万化の自然画廊を鑑賞しながら沢を歩くことが、山釣りの魅力の一つだ。
The art of water to get over and which is cut, and the rock is said as the natural art gallery or the molding beauty of the water and the rock 【 the time of the eternity 】.It is one of the charms of mountain fishing to walk in the swamp 【 the natural art gallery of the innumerable changes done like this 】 with enjoying it.
雲海/the cloud sea・・・山の上から下を眺めたとき、あたかも雲の海のように見えることを言う。谷底から雲の上に達すれば、その神々しい光景に不思議な霊力を感じ、まるで自分が神の化身になったように思うことがある。
When it looks at the bottom from the top of the mountain, it is said that it just seems to be the sea of the cloud. It feels the strange spirit power in the divine sight, and it seems that one became God's incarnation, and sometimes thinks if it reaches the top of the cloud from the bottom of a ravine.

沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

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