沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

As for the charm of the source way, part 1
無垢なる自然とIWANAに感謝/It appreciates the nature which dirt-less is to, and IWANA. 人は何故、源流をめざすのか。


Why does person aim at the source way? Though the answer is each person, I want to try to approach the charm of the source way in the selfish interpretation of me way.Before, the rope writer who depended on it naturally completely considered nature God, and had reverence and a sense of gratitude. There is something beyond the human power. Though it is the source of the life, water is effective at the same time like the bathing of clearing the dirt of the heart.The bathing seen in Mizugori, Mikoshi's being exposed to the waterfall, the waterfall training, each Asian country is the representative who cleanses body in the river. It overflows the pure water which dirt is not in if it leaves the daily world and follows to the sacred precincts of the source way.Water washes both heart and body, soul with the primitive wood, and it is cleansed. Person describes it as the "source fashion of the training", the "source way pilgrimage", and so on.
滝の洗礼/Falls baptism・・・源流の美わしい滝に出会うと、人間は、不思議と水垢離をしたくなる。聖なる滝の水を全身に浴びて、心身を洗い清めることを「滝の洗礼」と呼ぶ。何だか、宗教臭いとか、オジンクサイとか言われそうだが、私は完全にこの世界の霊気にはまってしまった。
Human being wants to pour wonder and water when it meets the beautiful waterfall of the source way. It calls it "Falls "baptism"" that the water of the waterfall of the sacred precincts is poured in the whole body and mind and body is washed and cleansed.I fitted perfectly in the spirit mind of this world though it seemed to be said, the religion smell and the old man smell whether it was what.
天然の名水/ Famous natural water・・・聖なる水は、真夏でも冷たく、五臓六腑に染み渡る美味さだ。何と言っても登山のように重い水を背負わなくても、遥かに美味い名水が飲めるのだ。
The water of the sacred precincts is cold, and soaks into the internal organs, and it is deliciousness to cross even in the midsummer. Whatever is said or even if a heavy water like climbing mountain isn't carried on its back, deliciousness い famous water can be drunk by far.
光のシャワー/the shower of the light・・・源流にキャンプすると、時にこうした神々しい光景に出くわすことがある。刻々と変化する光のシャワーは、神秘的な輝きを放つ。
It sometimes comes across the divine sight done like this in the time when it camped in the source way. Time and the shower of light to change together give off mysterious brightness.
Iwana to play in the sacred precincts of the source way is beautiful. The lovely flowers called fairy in early spring bloom magnificently if eye is changed to the shore side of the flow. It is the wonderful world wavering in one's mind entirely in the world of the dream.
神秘の美魚/Mystic beauty fish・・・透き通るような流れから飛び出したオショロコマ。源流に細々と生き残るオショロコマは、神秘の美魚と呼ぶにふさわしい。
Oshorokoma which projected from the flow which became transparent. Oshorokoma to survive at the back of the source way is suitable for calling it mystic beauty fish.
山の野菜/The vegetables of the mountain・・・山の野菜を略して山菜と呼ぶ。春の源流行の楽しみは、このヘルシーな山菜採りと天然素材に溢れた料理だ。
The vegetables of the mountain are omitted, and it is called wild plants. The pleasure of the source fashion of spring is the cooking filled with these healthy wild plants and the natural material.
きのこ狩り/Mushroom hunting・・・秋の楽しみは、木の実やきのこ狩りだ。旬のキノコ汁は、味、香りとも申し分なし。山の命をいただくと、何故か山の神様に手を合わせたくなる。
The pleasures of autumn are nut and mushroom hunting. There is no complaint in mushroom juice of the season with the taste, the smell as well. When it has the life of the mountain, I want to fit hand to God of the mountain why.
森の隣人/The neighbor of the wood・・・原生林には、熊やサル、カモシカなどの野生動物たちの楽園でもある。こうした貴重な動物たちを森の隣人と呼んでいる。
There are even a bear and a monkey, paradise of the wild animals such as an antelope in the virgin forest. The precious animals who did like this are being called the neighbor of the wood.
The river insects that Kagika and Sansyouo vary coexist in the pure flow, Iwana. It is pleasant to observe strange ecology 【 life does 】, too, with dividing a place to live in the small mountain stream into each other.
未知の探検/Unknown exploration・・・未知の渓は、不安と期待が入り混じり、スリル満点だ。あのゴルジュや滝を越えると、どうなっているか。童心に帰って、奥へ奥へと進む。
Worry and expectation are mixed, and unknown mountain stream is the thrill top grade. What happens when it gets over that small precipice and waterfall? It comes back in the child's mind, and proceeds to the back to the back.
畏怖の念/A sense of awe・・・悪天候に見舞われると、人間など自然の力にかなわないことを思い知らされる。こんな激流は、とても一人で渡れない。スクラムを組むか、ザイルが必要だ。
When bad weather hits it, it is made to realize that the human being doesn't match the natural power. It can't cross such a swift current alone very much. Climbing rope is necessary if a scrum is formed.
太古の流れ/Ancient flow・・・手付かずの原生林から湧き出す流れは、太古の時代と同じく、汚れのないものである。岩一面を覆う苔は、年間を通して水量が安定していることを物語る。
There is no dirt in the flow which begins to well up from the virgin forest in the same way as the ancient age. The moss which covers one side of the rock shows that the volume of water is stable through the year.
源流の王者/The king of the source way・・・熊が森の王者と呼ばれるように、源流の頂点に立つイワナを源流の王者と呼ぶ。
Iwana to stand on the apex of the source way for bear so that to be called the king of the wood is called the king of the source way.
Not only mere technology but also the will which doesn't yield to the swift current and disposition are necessary to cross swift current.
Never get flustered, and act calmly 【 the footprint of the bear 】 if you discover it. Without forgetting that whistle being blown and bell is sounded and it appeals for this existence.
神の光/God's light・・・大雨で散々痛め付けられた翌朝、森からこんな光が射し込むと、山の神様の機嫌が良くなったことに、深く感謝せざるを得ない。
It cannot but appreciate the humor's of God of the mountain getting well deeply when such light shines from the wood in the next morning when it was tormented badly by a heavy rain.
白い瀑布/White cloth waterfall・・・一面白い布のように流れ落ちる様を言う。目の前一杯に広がる白い瀑布は、特に涼しく、最高の気分を味わうことができる。
A waterfall to run down like the cloth whose imminence all is white. It is especially cool in a white waterfall to spread out in one glass of imminence, and it can taste the best mood.
深山幽谷/deep mountains and valleys・・・妖怪か化け物がでそうな奥深い谷を深山幽谷と呼ぶ。源流を詰めて行くと、沢が濃いガスに包まれ先が見えなくなると、神秘性はさらに高まる。
The deep valley which specter or monster goes to is called with the deep mountains and valleys. Mystery rises further when the source way is reduced and wrapped in the gas whose swamp is thick and point can't be seen any more when it goes.
秘湯/hot water of the unexplored regions・・・沢を登り詰め、山を越えたら、最後の締めは、やっぱり秘湯で汗を洗い流すこと。湯の有難さが身にしみる。The last finale is to wash away sweat with the hot water of the unexplored regions if you climb swamp and reduce it and get over mountain still. Some difficulty さ of the hot water soaks into the body.

沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

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