沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP


A lecture of mountain fishing initiation 1/The geographical features of the swamp and name

It is complicated, and the water and the rock of the geographical features of the swamp where it is woven and made are beautiful. It comments on the typical geographical features and the name here though it is described as the "natural art gallery" and so on.It walks with showing each of the geographical features which it has like this to climb swamp with the sign and writing it down in the pocketbook.After it comes back, the thing that they were put in order in the drawing is said as the figure SOKO. This is the compilation of the people who climb swamp, and they become the most precious materials
河原/River bank ゴーロ/The place where a big rock was piled up.
河原/River bank・・・砂地や小石が敷かれた比較的穏やかな所。流木も多く、キャンプする場所も多い。特に広い河原を「広河原」と呼ぶ。
It is about to be comparatively gentle it was paved with the sandy soil and the pebble . There are many places where it is abundant and camps in the driftwood as well, too.
ゴーロ/The place where a big rock was piled up.・・・大きな岩がゴロゴロしている所。巨岩が積み重なったゴーロは、下から見上げると、まるで巨岩のビルディングのようで圧倒される。
When looked up from the bottom, Golo that big rock was piled up seems to be the building of the entirely huge rock, and it is overwhelmed.
ゴーロ連瀑帯/The zone where a big rock was piled up and a white waterfall continued ナメ・ナメ床/The bottom of the flow runs so that water may slide with the rock board.
ゴーロ連瀑帯/The zone where a big rock was piled up and a white waterfall continued・・・巨岩が延々と積み重なり、滝と白い瀑布が連続した地帯を言う。写真は、高度感を出すために、上から撮影しているが、下から見ると見事な連瀑に声を失うほどだ。
Photograph is as much as to lose voice in an excellent waterfall to continue when it is seen from the bottom though it takes pictures from the top to provide a feeling of the high occasion.
ナメ・ナメ床/The bottom of the flow runs so that water may slide with the rock board.・・・流れの底が岩盤で、水が滑るように走っている所。まるで、天然の舗装道路の上をシャワーのように流れるナメを歩くのは、快適で最高の気分を味わうことができる。
Entirely, it can taste the comfortable best mood to walk in the rock floor which it flows like a shower on the natural pavement to.
Both shores get narrow, and the passage that Sawa passes it is about to be difficult. An especially long section by the inaccessible place evil is called "Hako".
ゴルジュ/Both shores get narrow, and the passage that Sawa passes it is about to be difficult.・・・両岸が狭まり、沢通しの通過が困難な所。淵も深く滝が連続していたりするなど、遡行には、最も技術を要する難所だ。
The depths are the dangerous places which need technology most so that they may be deep and it may climb swamp that waterfall continues , too.
/An especially long section by the inaccessible place evil is called "Hako".・・・ゴルジュと同じだが、北海道では、特に険悪で長い区間を「函」と呼ぶ。時には、数キロに及ぶ険悪な函もあり、沢伝いの遡行は無理。踏み跡も少なく、高巻きルートの判断が難しい。
It is impossible that it climbs it in the time so that there may be rugged Hako that it reaches several km, too, and Sawa may go. It is stepped on, and there are few marks, too, and the judgment of the cutting class route is difficult.
The crack of the rock Corridor
ジッピ/The crack of the rock・・・岩の割れ目をジッピと呼ぶが、上の写真は、大蓋沢ジッピと呼ばれている難所。 廊下/Corridor・・・両岸に高い壁が直立し、川幅一杯に水が流れている所。水量が多いと泳ぐしかない。
An expensive wall stands on both shores vertically, and water is washed away to the one glass of width of a river.
The rock wall which was polished in the snow and which slides easily The place where a rock collapsed
The rock wall which was polished in the snow and which slides easily
The place where a rock collapsed。The swamp which the rock which collapsed continues to exhausts strength in others
The rock wall which a slender crack like a pillar developed into A vertical rock wall
The rock wall which a slender knot reason like a pillar developed into by the rain for many years, the wind and the erosion of the snow is said. This is one of the natural molding beauty, too.
直立壁、屹立する岩壁/A vertical rock wall・・・岸壁がほぼ垂直になっている壁を直立壁という。さらにその壁が天まで高く聳えている壁を屹立する壁とか、地名をとって○○峰などと呼ぶ。
The wall that quay is almost vertical is said as the straight wall. Name is taken, and the wall that the wall rises further high to the sky is called with the ○○ peak and so on.
bridge of the snow The snow left in the mountain stream
スノーブリッジ/ snow bridge ・・・言葉どおり雪の橋。略してSBとも呼ぶ。春先の源流遡行は、SBのお陰で快適に山越えルートを歩くことができる。ただし、崩壊には細心の注意が必要だ。
It is omitted, and called SB, too. The source way in early spring can walk crossing mountain route comfortably thanks to SB. But, close attention is necessary for the collapse.
雪渓/The snow left in the mountain stream・・・北国の源流では、夏まで雪渓が残っている。分厚い雪渓は安全で快適だが、雪渓がズタズタに崩れていたり、穴の下に滝や深い釜があれば最悪だ。
Snow is left with the source way of the north country until summer. Thick snow is the worst if snow collapses and there is a deep pot under the hole, the waterfall though it is safe and comfortable.
Water stagnates, and it is flowing slowly. The point which two swamps join
Water stagnates, and it is flowing slowly.Toro is deeply careful of others because it comes easily even in waist. But, the anxiety washed away will try to rush actively because there is no it.
The point which two swamps join
.Position can be confirmed at present by the map in the place where it did like this, and there are many best camping grounds, too.
Natural waterway It wells up, water
トヨ、トヨ状の流れ/Natural waterway・・・スラブの岸壁を削って流れる細い天然水路をいう。足場も悪く、滑りやすいので注意が必要だ。増水すると、通過は不可能になる。
Because it is bad and slides easily, attention is necessary for the foothold as well. Passage becomes unacceptable when it rises.
湧水/It wells up, water・・・岩から沁み出す湧水は、冷たく美味い。ぜひ、コップを取り出し、名水の味をじっくり味わうべし。
The famous water which begins to soak from the rock is cold and delicious. By all means, it is good when glass is taken out and the taste of the famous water is tasted closely.
The camping ground of the swamp The river bank covered with moss
テン場/The camping ground of the swamp・・・沢のキャンプサイトをテン場という。沢登りの遡行図では、C1、C2といった略号を使うが、それは1泊目、2泊目のテン場を意味している。
The place to spread camping in the swamp is said as Tenba. It means Tenba of the second night the first night though code such as C1, C2 is used in the drawing that Sawa climbs it
苔河原/The river bank covered with moss・・・年間を通して豊潤な河原は、綺麗な苔がビッシリ生えている。緑のジュウタンに、しばし腰を下ろしたくなる場所だ。
As for many river banks of the damp, beautiful moss grows all over through the year. If it し, it is the place where it does and wants to sit down in the green carpet.

沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

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