沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

The flower of the mountain stream is a waterfall.
It is still a waterfall if the flower of the valley is said. There is a popular name of it in the figure ・ shape multifariously with the word even if waterfall is said.
It comments on the typical waterfall here.
The beauty of the source way which is lost and to go
A waterfall to fall in a straight line A waterfall to run down thinly like a white thread
直滝/A waterfall to fall in a straight line・・・一直線に落下する滝。落差が大きければ、その瀑風は、物凄い。滝の飛沫を浴びることを「滝の洗礼」と言う。濡れることを嫌がらず、ぜひ近づいて頭から飛沫を浴びてほしい。きっと、喜悦することでしょう。
If gap is big, the wind pressure is terrible. It is said as the "Falls "baptism"" that the water that waterfall flies about is poured. Being wet isn't disliked, and it is approached, and it really wants shower poured from the head. Certainly, it is probably to reach it in the climax.
白糸の滝/A waterfall to run down thinly like a white thread・・・白い糸をを引くように細く流れ落ちる滝。こうした滝は、本流に注ぐ流域の小さい滝に多く見られる。それでも、大雨が降れば、ガラリと姿を変え、恐ろしい滝に変身する。
Many waterfalls which it has like this are seen in the waterfall of a little basin to flow into the main stream. Still, if a heavy rain falls, it changes completely in the terrible waterfall.
A waterfall that inclination is gentle and to flow to slip down rock board The waterfall that heart is washed
A waterfall that inclination is gentle and to flow to slip down rock board.The waterfall that heart is washed.
Some steps of waterfalls Some articles of waterfalls
多段の滝/Some steps of waterfalls・・・2段、3段・・・と連続する滝。3段の滝を三階の滝と呼ぶ場合が多い。
and a waterfall to continue two steps three steps. There are many cases that three-step Taki is called Taki of the third floor.
数条の滝/Some articles of waterfalls・・・流れが2つ、3つと分かれた滝を、それぞれ2条の滝、3条の滝と呼ぶ。これまた美わしい滝だ。
Two, three and the waterfall where flow was divided are caused respectively with the waterfall of two articles, the waterfall of three articles. It is this or beautiful waterfall.
The waterfall where the rock board of the reverse side seems with the Falls wind pressure Pour and climb shower.
オーバーハング滝/Overhung Waterfall・・・滝の風圧で裏の岩盤が抉り取られたようになっている滝。落差の大きい直滝に多く見られる。
The waterfall where the rock board of the reverse side seems with the Falls wind pressure
シャワークライミング/Shower climbing .・・・ナメ滝のシャワーを浴びて登ることをシャワークライミングと言う。暑い夏は、最高の気分を味わうことができる。
It is said as Shower climbing that Falls shower is poured and it climbs it. The best mood can be tasted in hot summer.
Grass grows in the quay. Waterfall jar
草付け/Grass grows in the quay.・・・岸壁の中で草が生えている所。滝を高巻く時は、こうした草付けをうまく利用して、できるだけ小さく巻くのが鉄則。しかし、つかんだ草が抜けないように、慎重な対応が必要だ。
Waterfall, to use the one with the grass done like this when it was wound well and to wind it as small as possible, iron rule. But, careful correspondence is necessary so that taken grass may not come out.
滝壷/Waterfall jar・・・滝の落下で抉りとられたプールをいう。大物が潜んでいるので、山釣りでは最高のポイントだ。
A pool to scoop it with the Falls drop and which is taken is said. Because big game lurks, it is the best point by mountain fishing.
Pot The waterfall where big rock was piled up and it could be done
The thing scooped roundly like the pot which cooks rice. It is seen in the mountain stream which especially loose waterfall leads to, and it isn't put on the pot of the continuance which dyed in emerald green without fascinating the person who climbs swamp.
The waterfall where big rock was piled up and it could be done.The waterfall of the big rock covered with moss specially asks the master of the mountain stream for the ancient world.
A waterfall to fall to flow through the waterway of the rock wall The waterfall which fish can't go up the top than this from
トヨ状滝/Waterway-shaped waterfall・・・岩壁の水路を流れるように落下する滝。こうした流れは、流速も早く、大きなプールを形成している。
A waterfall to fall to flow through the waterway of the rock wall.The flow done like this is early, and forms large pool.
魚止めの滝/The waterfall of the fish stop・・・一般的には、これより上に魚が上れない滝を言う。釣り師たちにとっての魚止めの滝は、これより上に魚が一匹も棲まない滝を言う。こうした滝は、山釣りにとって、最も心ときめく場所である。
The waterfall which fish can't go up the top than this from.Taki of the fish stop for the fishing people says the waterfall where no fish lives in the top from this. The waterfall which it has like this is a place for heart to be fascinated most for mountain fishing.
The dam of the nature that driftwood was caught and which was formed
流木堰堤/The dam bank of the driftwood・・・両岸が狭くなった場所に、大きな流木が挟まってできた天然のダム。隙間が次第に詰まって、プールを形成すれば、ある日突然鉄砲水となって下流を襲うことがあるので注意が必要だ。
The dam of the nature that driftwood was caught and which was formed.It is choked with the gap gradually, and attention is necessary the pool because one day becomes a flash flood suddenly and the lower reaches are sometimes attacked if it is formed.
車止め/Car stop・・・車が走れる林道終点を言う。北海道では、どこの林道にもやたら管理用のゲートがある。上の写真は、橋の中間に設置されたゲートで、人間一人がやっと通れる程度。バイクや自転車もシャットアウトしている。
There is a gate for the control in which path through a forest as well indiscriminately in Hokkaido. As one human being can finally pass through the upper photograph in the gate installed in the middle of the bridge. Motorcycle and bicycle are shut out, too

沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

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