沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP


The source way, the technology that it walkst
It climbs swamp at long last if the geographical features of the swamp and name are understood. Not only it walks but also the route to the swamp from the crossing mountain route and the swamp exists innumerably so that Sawa may pass from the lower reaches even if it is said that it climbs swamp.The method of the approach is various, and they are collected, and it is called variation route.
The way which has the history which Mt long time people have used for the mountains of Tohoku, and culture exists in many. it searches the route done so, to the source wayThe crossing mountain route done like this because it was dangerous to climb swamp from the lower reaches when it rose, the snow fee term is used.
When there is no anxiety of the rise, it climbs swamp from the lower reaches, and it aims at the source way slowly the natural art gallery with enjoying it.It is reduced, and it plays just just a little with Iwana, and it aims at the top of the mountain earnestly that "mountain fishing" can be said 【 the swamp 】. As it were, the world that swamp play and Iwana fishing unite is said.
吊り橋/Suspension bridge・・・こうした吊り橋の架かっている渓は、いかにも現実から夢の世界へ入っていくようなスリルがあって楽しいものだ。逆に、帰りは、夢から現実へ引き返すようでつらい。
There is a thrill which quite goes into the world of the dream from the reality, and the mountain stream which the suspension bridge done like this spans is pleasant.It seems to turn back from the dream to the reality, and return is conversely hard.
堰堤 /dam bank・・・どこにでもある堰堤だが、こうした人工構造物が全くなくならなければ、山釣りの世界とは呼べない。こうした場所では、大イワナの群れる姿を見かけることもあるが、こんな俗っぽい場所で竿を出すようでは、渓師とは呼べない。
It can't be called as for the world of mountain fishing if the artificial structure thing worn like this though it was a dam bank anywhere isn't used up at all.Though the figure of big Iwana which flocks together is sometimes seen, it can't call it Tanisi that it seems to take out pole in such a vulgar place in the place where it did like this.
沢を登り詰め、山を越えて源流へ/It climbs swamp, and it is reduced and gets over mountain, to the source way・・・お花畑に出れば最高だが、その先は、決まって地獄の藪こぎが待っている。地図と磁石を忘れたならば、ルートを間違い地獄をさ迷うことになる。こうしたルートを正確に歩くには、経験と慎重なルート確認が必須だ。
Though it is the best if it goes to the flower field, that point is decided, and Yabukogi of the hell waits.If map and magnet were forgotten, error hell is decided to wander it 【 the route 】. Careful route confirmation is indispensable with the experience to walk in the route done like this precisely.
ザイルは必携/Climbing rope can't be missed.・・・未知の源流には、いつも危険が待ち受けている。高巻きだけでは、突破できない。20m程度のザイルと5m程度のシュリンゲは必携品だ。仲間で力を合わせれば、どんなに困難なルートでも突破できるようになる。そのためには、気心の知れた仲間同志でパーティを組むのがベスト。
Danger always waits for it in the unknown source way. It can't be broken through that it is only wound high. The climbing rope of about 20m and the rope of about 5m are necessary goods.If it cooperates with the company, it learns even how difficult route to pass. Therefore, to put party together with the company comrade whom mind heart became known, the best.
高巻き/It is wound high.・・・困難なゴルジュや滝には、たいてい巻き道がある。注意深く探せば、簡単に見つかるだろう。高巻きで注意すべき点は、大きく巻かず、できるだけ小さく巻くことだ。その判断を間違えば、稜線まで登らされる羽目に陥るので注意!
It is usually wound around the difficult waterfall and the small corridor, and there is a way. It will be found easily if it is looked for carefully. The point which it should be careful of when it is wound high is that it isn't wound greatly and it is wound as small as possible.It is careful because it falls into the position which makes it climb it to the top if the judgment is mistaken!
フリークライミング/Free climbing・・・ザイルもシュリンゲも使わず、岩の凹凸だけを頼りに、自分の素手と足だけで岸壁を登ることをいう。3点確保の基本さえ守れば、そんなに難しくない。
Climbing rope isn't used, either, and it is said as it that it climbs quay only with the help of the unevenness of the rock only in its bare hands and the foot.It isn't so difficult if only it complies with the basis of securing three points.
ザイルで登る/It climbs it with the climbing rope.・・・これは、ザイルワークの練習風景だが、こうした訓練も源流を極めるには、必要だ。源流では、釣りには全く興味のない岩登りたちも多い。彼らのテクニックをじっくり見て、学ぶことも必要だ。もちろん、気軽に声をかけて積極的に教えてもらおう。
The training done like this though this was the practice scenery of the climbing rope technology is necessary to master the source way, too.There are many people who climb the rock which isn't interested in fishing at all with the source way, too. It is necessary to see their technique closely and to learn, too, 【 too 】. Of course, let's call it readily, and have it teach actively.
ヘズリ、カニの横這い/"Hezuri" The stable level of the crab・・・これは、以外に簡単なようで難しい。滑れば、滝壷へドボ゛ン。落差がある場合は、死ぬこともあるので、注意。ただし、これは基本中の基本なので、何回もチャレンジし、コツをつかむことだ。
It seems to be easy for others, and this is difficult. If it slides, it falls into the waterfall jar. When there is a gap, because it sometimes dies, attention.But, because it is a basis in the basis, it tries it many times, and this is to take knack.
徒渉/It crosses swamp.・・・沢を右に左に渡ることを徒渉というが、増水したときは困難を極める。まず、無理をしないこと。一人で徒渉する場合は、木の杖やトレッキングポールを使うと、深さの確認や激流に耐える支点にもなる。腰上までくる場合は、皆でスクラムを組めば、突破できる。3人以上組めば、かなり強力だ。それでも駄目なら、高巻きルートを探すか、ザイルで確保する以外にない。
When it rises, difficulty is mastered. First, don't have impossibility. It becomes the fulcrum which stands up to the confirmation of the depth and swift current when the stick of the tree and pole for climbing mountain are used when it crosses swamp alone, too.It can be broken through if a scrum is formed with all when flow comes even in waist. It is very powerful if more than three people are put together. It is not here except that a route to wind high if it is still no good is looked for or it is secured with the climbing rope.
It jumps over the swift current which became small by the jump. It is careful of the landing because considerable burden is applied to the ankle when serious load is shouldered.
直登/It climbs waterfall directly.・・・傾斜のあるナメ滝は、飛沫を全身に浴びて滝を直登する。濡れるのを嫌ったら、この快感は得られない。
The loose waterfall of the inclination pours Falls shower in the whole body, and climbs waterfall directly. If it hates to be wet, it can't get this pleasure.
沢を登り詰め、山の頂上へ/It climbs swamp, it is reduced, to the top of the mountain・・・登山道もない原始的な沢を登り詰め、最も深い谷底から、最も高い頂上へ達すれば、登山の何倍にも匹敵する感激を得ることができる。ぜひ、挑戦してほしい。
Mountain trail can get the deep emotion which is equal to how many times of climbing mountain as well if it climbs the primitive swamp which is not here and it is reduced and it reaches the highest top from the deepest bottom of a ravine, too. Really, I want it to try it.
The little swamp covered with plant is said. Let's try to go through the paradise of Iwana which hid with being surprising by all means because it is sometimes discovered though there is Ozawa like the tunnel covered with plant when it becomes cruel, too.
枝沢/Branch swamp・・・本流に注ぐ小さな沢をいう。こうした沢は、山菜やキノコ、山野草の宝庫なので、ぜひ探検してほしい。もちろん、沢へ入る絶好のルートでもある。
A little swamp to flow into the main stream is said. I really want the swamp done like this explored because they are wild plants and mushroom, the treasure house of the fields and mountains grass. Of course, there is even the best route which is on the swamp.

沢の地形と名称 渓谷の華・滝 源流遡行編 山釣りの世界 山釣りのクライマックス
T  源流の魅力U  遡行スタイル 遡行図の作成 山釣りの世界TOP

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